I am 21 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I have surpassed the halfway mark; I'm officially closer to seeing Trevor. Recently, the thought of becoming a parent has become increasingly real. It helps that we talk about it as if he's already here. Rick always asks me, "how's Trevor?" Or "how's my Godson?" Erik tells him he loves him before he heads out the door. By far the most surreal are the kicks. I can absolutely feel the kicks now, without any question of what they are. I feel it most when I'm lying in bed, morning or night (like a typical newborn). I can't help but to smile every time. This childish a ninja, so I'm thankful it doesn't hurt yet. For the first time last night, Erik felt a kick. Now that I'm sure he can feel it from the outside, it was all about timing, which wasn't in our favor. But Trevor was kicking and I took the back of Erik's hand (it was the only thing I can get to in his sleeping position on his side) and placed it on my belly. He kept telling me he felt something every time he kicked, so I knew we finally got it. He thought it was awesome, but weird. Haha.
Trevor is 10.5 inches long, approximately, and though it doesn't sound like much,it is! Look at a ruler. It's insane and explains why I can feel his movements so well now. Mind you, his limbs are tucked into a ball, so he takes up about 7 inches of space.
At our 20 week scan, all his limbs and organs were checked. He looks perfect. It's relieving to know that no major issues were found,or even minor ones for that matter. He was moving all around in there, no even drinking the amniotic fluid, which we took a sonogram of. Seeing this little human moving around made us so anxious to hold our little boy. Luckily, Samantha and Zachary Beams had their little boy, Bentley, September 5 and we got to snuggle him. I could stare at him all day - he's precious. Erik melted in a puddle of man and now is even more anxious to see our son. Less than 4 months until we meet him.
Congratulations Beams'!
I also keep accumulating clothes and things, mainly from Kati who keeps spoiling me. Thanks again, lady! :) I keep sorting and resorting them, but I know I'm just nesting. We have lots more to get, but we have time.
My baby shower is November 23 at Julia's house, as I've stated before.
But now, I also have a Bab-E Shower hosted by my mother in Pittsburgh. Gifts will be sent to me and I will wait to open them until November 2 in which I will do so via Skype in front of all my family and friends whom have gathered at my mom's. If you haven't already, RSVP via Facebook invite or send your address out for the paper invitations to her, thanks!
I'm grateful for technology and an awesome Mom for doing this for me. Love you!
I am still registered on Amazon, Carter's and now Walmart for easy access to those in the states.
So excited to share this experience with everyone!
Without further adieu, Trevor.