He's big. I was under the impression he was small (despite taking up every inch of my torso) but she thinks he will be average to slightly over average. She measured his belly to be big and showed us where he was at on the chart. Hello, little chunker. She couldn't get a head measurement since he is so low. She kept trying, but his head is pretty well into my pelvis (which she confirmed was where the cramps were from). Even with his head that low, he still has feet in my ribs. No lightening for me :( she said I'm small and I was carrying a big baby and must be in pain, and I'd have to say, she's right. I think it could be far worse though and I would certainly go through worse for him. Lastly, she informed us that I am measuring a week ahead, so hopefully he will also be coming at least a week early. She said he's good to go, and he's perfectly healthy and since he's not tiny, will be able to take the contractions well making birth better for him.
My next appointment is in two weeks to check me up. I'll be full term and at that point will see them weekly until he decides to make his debut. Any takers on dates? I've got a few guesses already!
It's really hitting me that I'm going to be a mom soon.