Thursday, April 10, 2014

10 weeks a Mommy

As of two days ago, Trevor turned 10 weeks. On one hand it's crazy to think how fast the time went, on the other, he's such a new little human still. I am loving being a mommy. Every second. I've become this brand new person because this little boy really knows how to bring out the best in me. When he wakes in the morning smiling and giggling at me, I can almost feel my insides warming up. He brings me more joy than, I believe, anything ever could. I adore my husband and am proud to say we are still incredibly in love, but this love is indescribable and beats any other feeling. 

So, right now Erik is away for training, leaving me to care for Trevor throughout the weeks by myself. While I would love for Erik to be back, this whole situation is surprisingly easy. Motherhood definitely came naturally to me; I don't ever feel stressed. He literally keeps me running with baby smiles and cuddles, despite my sleep deprivation. In fact, the reduction in my sleep has gotten easier. At first, it was like death - I could cry I was so tired, and sometimes did. Unfortunately, I'm not a napper, I just can't do it. But 10 weeks later, I'm able to function. However, my house does tend to suffer. Trevor would love nothing more than to be snuggled by Mommy 24/7 and while I adore his cuddles, I am an adult with other responsibilities (boo). A couple of days ago I made an upstairs and downstairs checklist. If I can manage to move Trevor after he falls asleep, I check a couple things off. Even if it's one to two things a day, it helps. Slowly my house is getting back in order. Now, I won't lie, if Erik was here it'd be SO much easier. I could be like, "here ya go," hand him the baby and get ish done.  In a perfect world I could just stick him in his Moby wrap and do everything needed, but anything that involves me bending over, putting my hands out directly in front of me or cleaning with chemicals is out of the question, so you can imagine the struggle. Having said all of that, I'd rather a messy house while being a good mommy. Once Erik is home though, I can do more which includes working out for more than 10 mins.

I have discovered some Mommy hacks. He loves his monkey bouncer and will watch the lights and listen to music outside of the shower for a pretty good amount of time. This is such a win. When he wakes for a feeding, I have to pump (which I do exclusively) so that takes some time, unless I had a bottle pre-pumped, which is rare. I've learned that if I snuggle him between my legs for the closeness and warmth then give him his pacifier, he will fall back asleep while I pump. Pumping takes 30-45 minutes, so it'd be hard if he was crying that entire time. Also, I can get a workout in of sorts, but it's with him. While he's in his Moby wrap, I can do squats, lunges, sumos, etc. I can also take him on a walk if it's nice, which he is loving, plus take Buster too so win, win. Basically, I'm learning to live every aspect of my life with a baby on my hip. Now, onto some Trevor stats.

10 weeks & 2 days old
No weight/height yet.
Smiles frequently and is laughing a little more, especially when I squeeze his thighs. Haha.
Is already teething! You can see the tooth just under the surface on the bottom and it causes him to drool and chew on his fingers.
Loves bath time now. He always giggles when I rub the soap on his belly.
Put him in a moving car or stroller and he is OUT.
He eats 3.5-4.5 oz at every feeding which was usually every two hours, but seems to be increasing to three.
He gives "boo boo lip" A LOT now. If he gets startled, someone starts talking that he wasn't expecting, if you blow raspberries on his cheeks, is held by someone then realizes they aren't mommy - you get the lip. It's adorable, but breaks my heart because I don't like to see him even a little upset. 
He loves looking at my IPad when I'm playing videos, skyping or just seeing himself on the front camera.
When he's somewhere that has an  intriguing environment he opens his eyes SUPER wide and looks crazy.
He wears 3 month clothing.
He HATES being swaddled.

Lastly, I  will be leaving Trevor for the first time ever, and it's overnight. Cue tears. The base where Erik is decided to close down EVERY TLF the week of Erik's graduation, and babies can't come to graduation, therefore I have nowhere for Trevor to be watched. My wonderful Kati boo offered to keep him overnight. I trust her fully, but the anxiety of it all makes me feel... well, anxious. I haven't left him with even his father, so I know it's going to be rough for me, but gotta start somewhere. Anyway, I babbled far too long. Until the next update ;)